Where: Martin Luther King Jr Recreational Park, Jackson Rd, White Oak/Silver Spring MD (parking lot next to tennis courts)
Walkers – 3 miles, trails & flat shiggy
Runners – an Extra Creamy runners loop!
Cost: $0 – BYO everything
Hares: Pervarotti and Extra Creamy Dog Crap
Hare cell: 240-413-2388
From DC Beltway, exit 28A on MD-650/New Hampshire Ave North.
After 3 miles, right on Jackson Rd.
0.7 miles to parking lot on the right, just before the tennis courts (just after the MLK Swim Center).
From Rte 29, north on New Hampshire Ave for 0.9 miles, right on Jackson Rd, then 0.7 miles to parking lot on the right, just before the tennis courts (just after the MLK Swim Center).
Trail got laid already (the hares were not so lucky…), so you can do trail anytime on Saturday.
**Note: Runners and Walkers are on same trail except for one runners loop.
More than halfway back on the return trail, when trail turns right onto the sidewalk for the Randolph Rd bridge over Paint Branch, you will see chalk marks: NoNo, On In. After crossing the bridge, turn left and backtrack (No-No) the rest of the way, retracing the first section of trail back to Start.
Pervarotti, ECDC, and Count Crackula