**3pm start**
An April Fools No Spitz Left Behind Trail
Start: Fields Rd Elementary
1 School Dr Gaithersburg
Cost: $7
Hares: Spitz & NCLB & BaRooo
trail A to B (bag vehicle provided, 1/3 mile back to start)
Notes: A lovely jaunt through the burbs with a touch of Cold War era history. Not a usual NCLB death march this time, we promise!
RW split. Dog friendly, strollers won’t make it. Shiggy rating 3/10.
You will get wet! 2 stream crossings.
Prelube at Downtown Crown Beer and Wine
OnOnOn: Get a yummy Teeters sub to enjoy on the patio at Downtown Crown Beer and Wine, or hit one of many restaurants in Crown Farm if you’re fancy like that.
Spitz #571-291-5011