Theme: Celebrating 1955, and Isaias has passed us by
Hares: Spitz.cum and Porn to Fail
Start: Lee Distrct Park ( a 193 acre park plus the BIG backyard playground/spray park for children)
Friendlies: Strollers, dogs, kids, everyone over 60
Special: Birthday Cupcakes and Vintage Beer provided.
Trail: Runner/Turkey 4-5 miles, Penguin/Stroller 3-4 miles
***PLEASE practice COVID-19 Best Practices and follow social distancing guidelines. NOTE: State of VA is currently implementing Phase Three***
Directions: From MD and VA
Find the DC Beltway to Alexandria, exit 176A, Telegraph Road South (Route 611)
Proceed South on Telegraph Road for approximately 2.5 miles.
LEFT Rose Hill Drive at the light into Lee District Park. Follow the road to the end past the recreation center. Parking lot is on the right. Do not turn left into the parking lots for the fields.
Please join us on Zoom at 6pm for a virtual circle.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 481 059 341
Password: 696969